Dave McNeely, lifetime Kneeland board member, author, and long-time political reporter for the Austin American Statesman, was Carole’s husband for the last 15 years of her life. Like many of us who believe that Carole’s spirit, integrity, and values have lived on through The Kneeland Project, Dave believes that the work of our Kneeland Fellows in newsrooms across the country helps keep Carole’s vision alive.
Dear Friends:
It is very hard to believe that January 26, 2008, marks the tenth anniversary of Carole death.
Knowing her as I do from being her husband the previous 15 years, I can tell you that she would be incredibly flattered and proud in knowing that the spirit of creative, caring management that she had brought to the business of television news has continued to be spread through these efforts.
Carole always felt that the people who were in the trenches in newsroom management were not allowed sufficient training, were given more and more duties to perform without additional help, and had very little in the way of support.
The Kneeland Project that several of her friends and admirers started as she was dying a decade ago followed her wishes in trying to establish training programs aimed at helping those who are up against it every day to realize that they can be even more effective managers through planning, training, and treating people as they would like to be treated.
She would be impressed that so many of them have gone back into their newsrooms with renewed passion and energy, and that so many of you have contributed your hard-earned cash to help make that possible. Carole believed at a gut level in the democratic notion that an informed public can govern itself, and was incredibly committed to doing everything she could to make sure that the best possible information was made available to the public.
Thanks again so much for being a participant in Carole’s dream. I know that she is smiling at the fruit that your efforts have borne.
About Carole Kneeland
An award-winning reporter turned respected newsroom leader, Carole Kneeland earned a national reputation for training and motivating journalists to give viewers news they can use. Her enlightened approach to news in general and crime coverage in particular drew attention from ABC’s Nightline, the Columbia Journalism Review, National Public Radio, among others..
Carole died in 1998 after an eight-year battle with breast cancer. Her integrity, strong commitment to journalism excellence, and deep belief in training inspired The Carole Kneeland Project for Responsible Television Journalism. Formed by Carole’s colleagues and employees, the program has worked to spread her approach to news coverage by helping train journalists who are new to management or who aspire to it
- Click here for more about Carole Kneeland.
- Click here for more testimonials from past Kneeland Fellows.
- Click here to donate to make Kneeland possible for the next generation of news leaders.
Kneeland’s Funding Partners
- More than 650 individuals have contributed to The Carole Kneeland Project over the past 25 years. The organization could not have provided this important training without every one of its generous investors.
- Current donors include: Capitol Broadcasting, Graham Media Group, Gray Television, Hearst Television, Inc., Knight Foundation, NBCUniversal, News-Press & Gazette, Scripps Howard Foundation, Sinclair Broadcasting, TEGNA Foundation, and Univision.
- Past donors include: The InAsMuch Journalism Foundation (Formerly Ethics & Excellence), California Oregon Broadcasting Inc, Covington & Burling LLP, Cox Media Group, Nielsen Foundation.